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06 Jun 2023 &nbsp &nbsp posted by Fitness Guy Whether you are a business owner, a private-label business owner, or a retailer, you must have ...

Written by Laura Porter  ・ 5 mins  Well, there’s one thing we ask of all 200hr certified teachers – that’s to stay committed to the learning journey. It’s a ...

Anyone who is reading this is interested in strength.  The building, testing, demonstration of strength.  In all its forms, categories, sub-categories.  ...

With everyone from healthcare providers to influencers weighing in on the best ways to live longer, it’s hard to separate fact from fiction. Most of us know ...

April 2, 2023,    Posted by Gym Clothes Activewear and sports clothing have become increasingly popular in recent years, with more and more people ...

By Melissa Bryan Lead With Love Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.May all beings be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words and actions of my own ...

The deadlift is a barbell, compound movement that works basically every single muscle in the body. It makes them an efficient strength training exercise that ...

It frightens me to think of all the risky things I, and many others, did in childhood. No, I'm not talking risky as in sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll (let's ...

Running into June! And now I am 21 weeks out from the Dublin marathon…and 13 weeks out from the Marathon du Medoc, a.k.a. “the French wine marathon”! ...

In our YA Classes Teacher Highlights, we feature one of our amazing instructors and interview them so our members and readers can get to know ...